Administrative Approvals

Administrative Approvals
SlNo.SubjectIssued DateDownload
1 Revised administrative approval for Annual Action Plan for implentation of Front Line Demonstration (FLD) & other extension activities and area expansion in Rice Fallows in collaboration with ICRISAT during 2024-25 under National Food Security Mission-Oilseeds (NFSM-OS)-reg. 18 Jul 2024
2 Revised adminiistrative approval for ICAR project for Cluster Front;ine Demonstrations on oilseeds for 2024-25 (Kharif/Rabi/Summar) under NFSM-Oilseeds to be implemented by KVKs/ATARIs- reg. 15 Jul 2024
3 Administratie approval for revision of cost norms of Front Line Demonstration/Cluster Frontline Demonstrations under NFSM-Oilseeds- reg. 02 Jul 2024
4 Administrative approval of project on Groundnut "Enhancing Breeder Seed Production of recently released varieties to incese the indigenous groundnut production in India" for the period of 2024-25 to 2026-27 under National Food Security Mission-Oilseeds (NFSM-OS) reg. 06 Jun 2024
5 Fixation of Price for Sunflower Hybrids (Kits) distributed under NFSM-OS- reg. 03 Jun 2024
6 Allocation of Oilseeds kits of latest selected HYVs of Sunflower for Kharif-2024 distribution by Bharat Beej Sehkari Samiti Ltd. (BBSSL) under National Food Security Mission- Oilseeds (NFSM-OS)- reg. 29 May 2024
7 Allocation of Oilseeds kits of latest selected HYVs of Sunflower for Kharif-2024 for distribution by National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) under National Food Security Mission- Oilseeds (NFSM-OS)- reg. 29 May 2024
8 Allocation of Oilseeds kits of latest selected HYVs of Sunflower and Sesame for Kharif-2024 for distribution by National Seed Corporation (NSC) under National Food Security Mission- Oilseeds (NFSM-OS)- reg. 29 May 2024
9 Allocation of Oilseeds kits of latest selected HYVs of Sunflower for Kharif-2024 for distribution by HIL India Ltd. (HIL) under National Food Security Mission- Oilseeds (NFSM-OS)- reg. 29 May 2024
10 Administrative Approval for special project proposal of ICAR regarding achieving self sufficiency in edible oilseeds through institutional and Technological Innovations by developing Oilseeds Model village for three years from 2024-25 to 2026-27 under NFMS-Oilseeds- regarding 25 Apr 2024
11 Administrative Approval for ICAR project for Cluster Frontline Demonstrations on oilseeds for 2024-25 (Kharif/Rabi/Summer) under NFSM-oilseeds to be implemented by KVKs/ATARIs- reg 25 Apr 2024
12 Administrative approval for Annual Action Plan for implementation of Front Line Demonstration (FLD) & other extension activities and area expansion in Rice Fallows in collaboration with ICRISAT during 2024-25 under National Food Security Mission - Oilseeds (NFSM-OS)- reg. 18 Apr 2024